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My cute pet

Saturday, January 10, 2009

You are my ANGEL.

I just can't seem to get over the email I got about the dogs. *sobs* So here I am. Why? To blog of course! I have found another friend's blog, linked her, visited a few other blogs and then, I feel the need to blog.

In the first place, I have this craving. Mind you I am not craving for anything like food, sweets, or whatever, but a person. Yes. You know. *winks* So for this post, today, I decided, for the FIRST time, I am putting up pictures of him. *winks* I haven't done this before.

So, I present to you, pictures of him! Hehe..

You know, when he smiles PROPERLY, his smile is just so mesmerizing. *melts~*
"Weh! Smile properly! Smile more!"

Teehee. Yes. I "scold" him sometimes. He's amazingly awesome. Wait.

Yup. That's it. Beyond awesome. :D That's all I can say here. The rest is classified as confidential. *snickers* Well come on! You don't expect me to say everything here, don't you?

Oh no. Something bad is happeneing. Uh-huh. I better stop here before it gets worse. Really. It can get, err.. ugly? Nah. Here's a latest picture of my dear. ;D

See? What I told you? When he smiles, it's just so damn NICE! OMG. *melts~* I cannot take it. Ah.. Ain't he cute? He's mine alright. Absolutely gorgeous AND hot. Last but not least, I love all our pictures. *winks*

taken on New Year day.

[PS : Ok. I'll just keep it short.]

Baby dear, you mean the world to me.
You have given me more then I could ask for.

You are my angel.

Now and always will be. I love you. <3

I am going to miss you
until the day I see you again.

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