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My cute pet

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am back.

From my hometown. Yes. I was supposed to blog last night. What did I do? Gosh. Sometimes I just feel like killing myself off. Whatever it is, I am so not liking it. Gah!

Anyway, my hometown. A very nice island. :D Pulau Pinang! Wee~! Here are some not-so-pleasant pictures I took. I do not have a camera like my mother so, I've only got my lousy 2MP camera phone. Pardon me. All are random pictures. Enjoy~ xD

The view during the journey to Penang.

The sky in the evening.
Take 1.

Take 2.

The place that I went for dinner. Big swimming pool.

The next day, went to Gurney Drive. It was low tide.
Stinky. Lots of rubbish too. Malaysian. Useless.

A flock of birds.

See the row of buildings. Nice eh? :D

Further up, no mud. Clear water.

Sorry that's my brother. Captured him in the picture too.

Some rock.

There. Without my brother.
It's a nice view.

Spotted a lizard. Moniter lizard. That's what my father said.

Round to the padang.
Fort Cornwarlis.

On the way back home, we took the ferry out of the island.
Star Cruise!

That's some big tank ship I was trying to take.

Then when I'm home, all I did was to dump all my stuff out from the bag and on to my bed.
What a mess I made!
[stuff on my bed : bag, pencil box, jeans, shirt, plastic bags..]

and my table too. *snickers*

Well, all are random pictures that I took just to put it up here. Penang is a really nice place. :D I want to go again! *winks*

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