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Thursday, November 27, 2008


XX Ah yes! Finally! Here you are reading my 100th post! I finally reach to this number. I started since.. August, year 2007. Well.. It's more than a year then only I've reached my 100th post. Seems pathetic to me. *laughs* anyway.. I've been looking forward to this day where I can tell out here "THIS is my 100th post!" :) Yippee!

And so.. I have always got this problem. What am I supposed to write here? Then suddenly. (light bulb turns on in my head) This question came into mind.

Why are most of the girls now trying to be stick thin?

Yes. So here I go. Have you ever wonder about that question? I'm sure many of you do. Well, this problem hits on most teenage girls. Maybe from the age of 14 and above. So let me ask this,

why are girls so self-conscious about the way their body look?

I'm a girl. *laughs* and you may think that I should be able to answer that question. Well no. I've got no idea. But here are my thoughts about this. From the hair all the way down to the clothes. Girls just want to dress up and look good. We girls dress to impress. Or do we? Hmmm. Too much pimples on the face? We'll find a way to get rid of those irritating pimples to have a much more soft and smoother skin. Right? We don't want to be looking like some pimple prone girl walking down the street. And besides that, wanting to look our best, we also want to have nice clothes to wear to impress people. Well not to mention cute boys ;)

And because of that, we girls tend to be conscious about how our body look. Aware of some "fats" prodding out from the body, we tend to wear big or long clothes to cover up. On the contrary, we try to slim down so that we will be able to look much more impressive. To get people to pay attention to us. But does it requires us to want to look like a model? Oh dear. Maybe like Victoria Beckham?

Oh no. She's a size zero? I do not know. She looks sophisticated. But I do not want to look as skinny as her! Gosh. You go on a diet, even skipping meals, avoiding food that will make you gain weight, all just to lose weight. Slim down. It's not really a good idea to do that. Really. Just to be stick thin, we girls go way out to achieve that. But we are never really satisfied. Yes. Never. We envy some of the boys, whom I say, eats alot but never will you see them gaining weight. I might just blame them for having a high metabolism rate. *envy envy* Ah but that is not all.

I am sure you people have heard of this two illness. Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa. Well I won't elaborate on what is it here. I've made a link so go check it out yourself. But having this two illness is very harmful to you and your body. Yes. Think of the Olsen twins.

We come in all shapes and sizes. If your big. Then stay that way. If your small, stay that way. It is who you are. You don't have to have a good body to show off. Don't be jealous of those that are blessed with what I call "a model's body". It's not worth damaging your own body. you won't know what you are doing to your body until it's too late.

Last but not least, do eat healthily. Here in Malaysia, we have got so many kinds of food. How can you just pass them on? No way! Exercise to stay healthy too. Being healthy is what that's important. Oh and please do not look into the mirror and go : "oh my bum looks fat" Or maybe "Ugh. I look fat". Don't do that. Start today by looking in the mirror and say : "I look good today", "I like the way I am". Staying positive is another thing too! :)

Well I've got to run. Here I end my 100th post. I think this is so far my most solid post ever. *proud* *laughs* Ah I am hungry. Off to find some good Malaysian food out there somewhere.

As I like to put it, Love yourself before you love others.

I'm loving myself ;) Cheers!

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