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Monday, April 20, 2009

When I have nothing to blog about.

I blog about my..


Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you hear these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random just type it!

1. Beer: Calsberg

2. Food: Spagetti

3. Relationships: Good

4. Crush: *smiles*

5. Power Rangers: Pink!

6. Life: So far so good.

7. The President: Obama!

8. Yummy: Food

9. Cars: Audi

10. Movie: Awesome

11. Halloween: Witch

12. Sex: Wonderful

13. Religion: ...

14. Hate: rules?

15. Fear: Being alone

16. Marriage: Thinking

17. Blonde: would be..

18. Slippers: Nice~

19. Shoes: Comfy

20. Asians: Yellow skinned

21. Past time: Drawing

22. One night stand: No!

23. My cell Phone: Nokia

24. Smoke: Smelly

25. Fantasy: *sshhhhh*

26. College: Fun

27. High school Life: Relaxed

28. Pajamas: None

29. Stars: Twinkle

30. Center: Point

31. Alcohol: Nice

32. The word love: Love

33. Friends: Awesome

34. Money: Wish I had more

35. Heartache: None

36. Time: 11:53PM

37. Divorce: Parents

38. Dogs: Miss them

39. Undies: Err..

40. Parents: Sigh

41. Babies: Adorable

42. Ex: Happy

43. Song: Music

44. Color: Red

45. Weddings: Wonderful

46. Pizza: Yum!

47. Hangout: Cool

48. Rest: Sleep

49. Goal: Win!

50. Inspiration: dear.

I am bloody bored. Have got nothing to blog about. This is what I end up doing. Gahhh.
(gotten from a friend's blog.)
When I am supposed to be studying. SHIT

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